1. Physical changes occure during puberty include-
(a) Breast development
(b) Growth of pubic and axillary hair
(c) Menstruation
(d) All
Ans. d
2. The first menstruation in a female is called as-
(a) Menarche
(b) Menopause
(c) Dysmenorrhea
(d) Amenorrhea
Ans. a
3. In a female, age of menarche is-
(a) 10 years
(b) 13 years
(c) 16 years
(d) 20 years
Ans. b
4. Which hormone plays an important role in significant proliferation of fat around the breast-
(a) Oestrogen
(b) Progesterone
(c) FSH
(d) Testosterone
Ans. a
5. Starting of menstrual cycle before the age of ten years, is termed as-
(a) Postcocious
(b) Precocious
(c) Amenorrhea
(d) Dysmenorrhea
Ans. b
6. Permanent cessation of menstruation is termed as-
(a) Menarche
(b) Dysmenorrhea
(c) Amenorrhea
(d) Menopause
Ans. d
7. Endocrinological changes occure during menopause include except-
(a) Fall in serum oestradiol level
(b) Fall in FSH level
(c) Increase in LH level
(d) Increase level of androgens
Ans. b
8. After menopause increased facial hair growth occures due to-
(a) Fall in FSH level
(b) Increase in LH level
(c) Decrease estrogen androgen ratio
(d) Decrease androgen level
Ans. c
9. After puberty obese patients have less chances of occurance of oste oporosis, because of
(a) Fall in FSH level
(b) Fall in LH level
(c) Conversion of more androgens into oestrogen
(d) Conversion of more oestrogen into androgen
Ans. c
10. In a female, changes occure after menopause include-
(a) Uterus becomes smaller
(b) The vagina become narrower
(c) Ovaries shrink in size
(d) All
Ans. d
11. In following which statement is false-
(a) At birth the uterine body and the cervix ratio is about 1:2
(b) When menarche occures the ratio between uterine body and the cervix becomes 1:1
(c) After menarche the ratio between uterine body and cervix becomes 2: 1
(d) After menopause the ratio remains 3:1
Ans. d
12. After menopause, a woman becomes more prone to development of osteoporosis because
(a) Fall in oestrogen level
(b) Increase in oestrogen level
(c) Fall in LH level
(d) Fall in FSH level
Ans. a
13. In a postmenopausal female, which is the principle hormone used in hormonal replacement therapy-
(a) Progesterone
(b) Oestrogen
(c) FSH
(d) LH
Ans. b
14. What do you mean by delayed menopause-
(a) When menopause does not occure beyond 45 years of age
(b) When menopause does not occure beyond 40 years of age
(c) When menopause does not occure beyond 50 years of age
(d) When menopause does not occure beyond 55 years of age
Ans. d
15. Causative organism of syphilis is-
(a) Chlamydia trachomatis
(b) Treponema pallidum
(c) Pox virus
(d) Haemophilus ducreyi
Ans. b
16. Causative organism of chancroid is-
(a) Chlamydia trachomatis
(b) Treponema pallidum
(c) Pox virus
(d) Haemophilus ducreyi
Ans. d
17. Infection of the fallopian tube is called is-
(a) Appendicitis
(b) Bartholinitis
(c) Salpingitis
(d) Endometritis
Ans. c
18. Painful menstruation is termed as-
(a) Menorrhage
(b) Dysmenorrhea
(c) Amenorrhea
(d) Menopause
Ans. b
19. In following which is not a cause of primary dysmenorrhea-
(a) Narrowing of the cervical canal
(b) Uterine hypoplasia
(c) Increased vasopressin release
(d) Decreased production of prostaglandins
Ans. d
20. Primary dysmenorrhea is mainly found in-
(a) Adolescent girl
(b) Pregnant women
(c) Females above 35 years
(d) Females above 45 years
Ans. a
21. Excessive amount of cyclic bleeding at normal intervals is termed as-
(a) Menorrhagia
(b) Epimenorrhoea
(c) Metrorrhagia
(d) Dysmenorrhoea
Ans. a
22. Cyclic bleeding in which duration of M.C. is reduced to 21 days or less, is termed as-
(a) Menorrhagia
(b) Epimenorrhoea
(c) Metrorrhagia
(d) Dysmenorrhoea
Ans. b
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Question Bank
23. Polymenorrhoea is also termed as-
(a) Menorrhagia
(b) Epimenorrhoea
(c) Metrorrhagia
(d) Dysmenorrhoea
Ans. b
24. Irregular, acyclic bleeding from the uterus is termed as-
(a) Menorrhagia
(b) Epimenorrhoea
(c) Metrorrhagia
(d) Dysmenorrhoea
Ans. c
25. When the menstrual bleeding is very less and lasts for less than 2 days, is termed as-
(a) Oligomenorrhoea
(b) Amenorrhoea
(c) Hypomenorrhoea
(d) Dysmenorrhoea
Ans. c
26. Absence of menstrual cycle in a female during reporoductive period, is termed as-
(b) Epimenorrhoea
(a) Amenorrhoea
(c) Hypomenorrhoea
(d) Dysmenorrhoea
Ans. a
27. In following which is a common cause of menorrhagia-
(a) Fibroid uterus
(b) Adenomyosis
(c) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
(d) All
Ans. d
28. The condition in which bleeding is so irregular and excessive that it is difficult to identify menstruation, is known as-
(a) Menorrhagia
(b) Metrorrhagia
(c) Hypermenorrhoea
(d) Menometrorrhagia
Ans. d
Multiple Choice Questions in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
29. Which of the following tumor markers is used for the diagnosis of ovarian germ cell tumor-
(a) CA-125
(b) LDH
(c) SCC
(d) TAG-72
Ans. b
30. What the full form of DUB-
(a) Direct Uterine Bleeding
(b) Direct Uterine Blood Vessels
(c) Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
(d) Dysfunctional Uterine Blood Vessels
Ans. c
31. State of abnormal uterine bleeding in which there is no clinically detectable pelvic pathology is present is known as-
(a) Menorrhagia
(b) Polymenorrhoea
(c) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
(d) Dysmenorrhoea
Ans. c
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32. In following which hormonal therapy is used for the management of DUB-
(a) Contraceptive pills
(b) Norethisterone acetate
(c) 17 alpha ethinyl testosterone
(d) All
Ans. d
33. Following are the indications of endometrial resection in a female with DUB except-
(a) Female who is over 35 anh
(b) Female who has completed her family
(c) Female who does not has any significant endometrial pathology such as cancer
(d) Female who is newly married
Ans. d
34. Treatment of premenstrual syndrome includes-
(a) Use of bromocriptine
(b) Use of antidepressants
(c) Pyridoxine
(d) All
Ans. d
35. Causative organism responsible for moniliasis, is-
(a) Candida albicans
(b) Tinea cruris
(c) Staphylococcus aureus
(d) Gonococci
Ans. a
36. In following which is the most common cause of vaginitis in the childbearing period-
(a) Trichomoniasis
(b) Moniliasis
(c) Atropic vagina
(d) Streptococci
Ans. a
37. Vaginal trichomoniasis is more harmful when-
(a) pH of vagina ranges between 1 – 2
(b) pH of vagina ranges between 3 – 4
(c) pH of vagina ranges between 6 – 7
(d) No effect of changes in pH
Ans. c
38. Inflammation of vagina in a women after menopause, is called as-
(a) Toxic shock syndrome
(b) Senile vaginitis
(c) Clamydial vaginitis
(d) Chronic vaginitis
Ans. b
39. Presence of yellowish or blood mixed vaginal discharges after menopause and vulval pruritis are the manifestations of-
(a) Menopause
(b) Toxic shock syndrome
(c) Atypical menorrhagia
(d) Senile vaginitis
Ans. d
40. What is the common cause of senile vaginitis-
(a) Increase FSH level
(b) Oestrogen deficiency
(c) Malnutrition
(d) Androgen deficiency
Ans. b
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41. In a female possibility for occuring acute endometritis is more-
(a) After menopause
(b) After menarchae
(c) After abortion or childbirth
(d) During childhood is
Ans. c
42. Pelvic inflammatory disease is more common in following females-
(a) Menstruating adolescent girls
(b) Having many sexual partners
(c) Previous H/O PID
(d) All of the above
Ans. d
43. In following which statement is false-
(a) PID is common in females who are menstruating
(b) PID is more common in women who are using intra uterine devices
(c) PID is more common in women who are taking oral contraceptives
(d) PID is less common in women having only single sexual partner
Ans. c
44. Clinical manifestation of pelvic inflammatory disease include-
(a) Lower abdominal pain
(b) Fever
(c) Irregular and excessive vaginal bleeding
(d) All of the above
Ans. d
45. In following which is the most reliable method to diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease-
(a) Laparoscopy
(b) Sonography
(c) Culdocentesis
(d) Blood examination
Ans. a
46. In following which is not a sexually transmitted disease-
(a) Chancroid
(b) Syphilis
(c) Fibroid uterus
(d) AIDS
Ans. c
47. Sexually transmitted disease lymphogranuloma venereum is caused by-
(a) Traponema pallidum
(b) Chlamydia trachomatis
(c) Hemophilus ducreyi
(d) HIV
Ans. b
48. Who discovered human immuno deficiency virus-
(a) Pasteur and friedmann
(b) Robert hook
(c) Watson
(b) Barre sinoussi
Ans. d
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49.In following which statement is false-
(a) Transmission of HIV from male to female is high
(b) Breast feeding may also a cause of transmission of HIV
(c) The vertical transmission to the newborm of the infected mothers is aobut 14-25%
(d) Transmission of HIV from female to male is high
Ans. d
50. After HIV infection, there is immunudeficiency mainly due to-
(a) Decrease number of CD – 4 T-Lymphocytes
(b) Increase number of CD – 4 T-Lymphocytes
(c) Decrease number of RBC
(d) Increase number of RBC
Ans. a
51. Following tests are done to identify HIV infection except-
(b) Western-Blot
(c) Polymerase chain reaction
(d) Widal test
Ans. d
52. In following which is not a characteristic feature of gonococcal salpingitis-
(a) It is transmitted by unprotected sexual act
(b) It is always bilateral infection
(c) It occures mainly during and after menstruation
(d) It is always unilateral infection
Ans. d
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53. In following which is a characteristic feature of pyogenic salpingitis-
(a) It is sexually transmitted
(b) It is alwavs bilateral infection
(c) It occures mainly during and after menstruation
(d) Infection occures mainly after abortion and childbirth fallopian
Ans. d
54. Collection of mucus into the fallopian tube is called as-
(a) Salpingitis
(b) Hydrosalpinx
(c) Fallotubitis
(d) Hydrofallo
Ans. b
55 Inflammation of ovary is termed as-
(a) Oophoritis
(b) Hydrocoele
(c) Salpingitis
(d) Oophorectomy
Ans. a
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56 Most commonly used and effective treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis, is-
(a) Cefixine
(b) Use of oral contraceptives
(c) Metronidazole
(d) Gentamycin
Ans. c
57 The condition in which complete uterus turns backwards in relation to the long axis of the birth canal, termed as-
(a) Retroversion of uterus
(b) Anteversion of uterus
(c) Prolapse of uterus
(d) Anteflexion of uterus
Ans. a
58. Normal position of uterus in pelvic cavity is-
(a) Retroverted and retroflexed
(b) Retroverted and anteflexed
(c) Anteverted and retroflexed
(d) Anteverted and anteflexed
Ans. d
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59. The structure which provides support to the uterus includes-
(a) Round ligament
(b) Broad ligament
(c) Cervico – vaginal junction
(d) All of the above
Ans. d
60. Etiological factors responsible for genital prolapse include following except-
(a) Postmenopausal atrophy
(b) Raised intra abdominal pressure
(c) Decresed weight of the uterus
(d) Congenital weakness of the supporting structures of the uterus
Ans. c
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61. In following which is the most important acquired predisposing factor in genital prolapse-
(a) Injury to the supporting structures during vaginal delivery.
(b) Congenital and acquired weakness of the supporting structures of the uterus
(c) Undernutrition
(d) Increased weight of the uterus
Ans. a
62. Degree of uterine prolapse in which the external os descends outside the vaginal opening but the uterine body does not protrudes and still remains inside the uterus-
(a) Ist degree
(b) Ilnd degree
(c) IIIrd degree
(d) IVth degree
Ans. b
63 The type of uterine prolapse in which the uterine body protrudes outside the introitus-
(a) Ist degree
(b) Ilnd degree
(c) Illrd degree
(d) IVth degree
Ans. c
64. Clinical manifestation of genital prolapse includes-
(a) Dysuria
(b) Backache
(c) Difficulty in passing stool
(d) All
Ans. d
65. When a female moves about, she feels that something is coming down through vagina. The female is suffering from-
(a) DUB
(b) Genital prolapse
(c) Recto vaginal fistula
(d) Cervical cancer
Ans. b
66. In how many cases of total infertility, males 66 are responsible-
(a) 8 – 10% of total cases
(b) 20 – 25% of total cases
(c) 30 – 40% of total cases
(d) 50 – 60% of total cases
Ans. c
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67. In kartagener syndrome-
(a) Excessively production of sperms
(b) There is loss of ciliary function and sperm motility
(c) Ability of sperms to penetrate ovum increases
(d) Ability of vaginal canal to receive sperms increases
Ans. b
68. Congenital factor related to male that is responsible for infertility includes-
(a) Undescended testes
(b) Hypospadias
(c) Kartagener syndrome
(d) All
Ans. d
69. A male with hypospadias is-
(a) Unable to produce sperms
(b) Unable to deposit sperms in vagina
(c) Unable to pass urine
(d) Unable to deposit sperms deep in vagina
Ans. d
70. The condition that raise the scrotal temperature includes-
(a) Varicocele
(b) Big hydrocele
(c) Filariasis
(d) All
Ans. d
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71. Which is the common chromosomal abnormality in azoospermic male-
(a) Down’s syndrome
(b) Turner syndrome
(c) Klinefelter’s syndrome
(d) Kartagener syndrome
Ans. c
72. Testicular failure due to deficiency of gonadotrophin is termed as-
(a) Klinefelter’s syndrome
(b) Kallmann’s syndrome
(c) Kartagener syndrome
(d) Young’s syndrome
Ans. b
73. Fault in male that may cause infertility includes-
(a) Mumps orchitis
(b) Increased scrotal temperature
(c) Undescended testes
(d) All
Ans. d
74. In following which factor is not responsible for infertility-
(a) Luteal phase defect
(b) Acute retroverted uterus
(c) Anteverted uterus
(d) Vaginal atresia
Ans. c
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75. pH of normal semen is-
(a) 3.5 – 4.5
(b) 5.5 – 6.5
(c) 7.2 – 7.8
(d) 8.5 – 9.3
Ans. c
76. Normal sperm concentration in semen is about-
(a) 5 million/ml or more
(b) 10 million/ml or more
(c) 20 million/ml or more
(d) 50 million/ml or more
Ans. c
77 Absence of semen formation is known as-
(a) Aspermia
(b) Azoospermia
(c) Asthenospermia
(d) Tetratozoospermia
Ans. a
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78 The condition in which there is spermatozoa are absent in the semen, is termed as-
(a) Aspermia
(b) Azoospermia
(c) Asthenospermia
(d) Tetratozoospermia
Ans. b
79 Reduction in the motility of sperms is known as-
(a) Aspermia
(b) Azoospermia
(c) Asthenospermia
(d) Tetratozoospermia
Ans. c
80 The condition in which there is high number of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa in the semen, is known as-
(a) Aspermia
(b) Azoospermia
(c) Asthenospermia
(d) Tetratozoospermia
Ans. d
81. Absence of fructose content in the semen indicates-
(a) Absence of one testes
(b) Congential absence of prostate gland
(c) Absence of testosterone hormone
(d) Congenital absence of seminal vesicle
Ans. d
82. In following which medicine is used to treat infertility due to presence of antisperm antibodies-
(a) GNRH therapy
(b) Dexamethasone
(c) Doxycycline
(d) Clomiphene citrate
Ans. b
obstetrics and gynecology question bank
83. In a female with infertility, which drug is used in induction of ovulation-
(a) Clomiphene citrate
(b) FSH
(c) GnRH
(d) All of the above
Ans. d
84. In following which is the common treatment of luteal phase defect-
(a) Progesterone therapy
(b) Oestrogen therapy
(c) Antibiotics
(d) Dexamethasone
Ans. a
85. Following are the indications of intrauterine insemination except-
(a) Cervical stenosis
(b) Hypospadias
(c) Asthenospermia
(d) Recurrent abortions
Ans. d
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86. Amount of washed and concentrated sperm that is administered into the uterine cavity during- artificial insemination-
(a) One ml
(b) Two ml
(c) 0.3 ml
(d) 0.1 ml
Ans. c
87. At which stage of fertilized ova, is transferred into the uterine cavity during In vitro fertilization-
(a) 1-2 cell stage
(b) 2 – 4 cell stage
(c) 4-8 cell stage
(d) 16 – 24 cell stage
Ans. c
88. Health hazard of assisted reproductive technology includes-
(a) Multiple pregnancy
(b) Ectopic pregnancy
(c) Psychological stress
(d) All of the above
Ans. d
89.In following which is the commonest benign solid tumor in female-
(a) Fibroid uterus
(b) Vaginal cyst
(c) Cervical cyst
(d) Cervical cancer
Ans. a
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90. Fibroid uterus is more common in-
(a) Nulliparous women
(b) Postmenopausal women
(c) Multiparity
(d) After 35 years of age
Ans. a
91. In following which is the classic symptom of uterine fibroid-
(a) Menorrhagia
(b) Pain in lower abdomen
(c) Dysmenorrhoea
(d) Purulent vaginal dischrage
Ans. a
92. In following which is the life threatening complication of fibroids-
(a) Prolonged menorrhagia
(b) Severe infection leading to peritonitis
(c) Sarcoma
(d) All of the above
Ans. d
93. What do you mean by dyspareunia-
(a) Painful menstruation
(b) Painful breathing
(c) Pain during sexual act
(d) Pain during eating
Ans. c
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94. Following are the menstrual disorders except-
(a) Oligomenorrhea
(b) Polymenorrhea
(c) Amenorrhea
(d) Rhinorrhea
Ans. d
95. What is the meaning of endometriosis-
(a) Inflammation of endometrium
(b) Enlarged endometerium
(c) Presence of functioing endometrium else where in the body other than uterine mucosa
(d) Carcinoma of endometerium
Ans. c
96. Common site of endometriosis is-
(a) Ovary
(b) Abdominal scar after tubectomy
(c) Abdominal scar after LSCS
(d) All
Ans. d
97. In following which is not a symptom of endometriosis-
(a) Dysmenorrhoea
(b) Hypomenorrhoea
(c) Pain during sexual act
(d) Pelvic pain
Ans. b
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98. Drug used for treating endometriosis includes-
(a) Combined estrogen and contraceptive oral pill progestogen
(b) Danazol
(c) GNRH analogues
(d) All of the above
Ans. d
99. In stage II cervical cancer-
(a) Carcinoma strictly confined to the cervix
(b) The carcinoma extends beyond the cervix buw not to the pelvic wall
(c) The carcinoma has extended to the true pelvis
(d) The carcinoma has extended beyond the true pelvis
Ans. b
100. Staging of cervical cancer is primarily based on-
(a) Severity of symptoms
(b) Age of female
(c) Clinical examination
(d) All
Ans. c